It has been along time that studying abroad is considered an indispensable part of thestudents' resume. Every day we see that the number of people who apply foruniversities abroad is increasing. This fact is beneficial both for theapplicants and the country. However, which university and country should bechosen is one of the main concerns for the students. According to the recentresearch done by many countries, the county matters more than the university forthe students.

So, where tostudy is the most important decision in the students' life. It affects alltheir other prospective decisions and achievements. The truth is that thebenefits of studying abroad outweigh the drawbacks. Choosing where to study, nomatter which part of the world, depends on a lot of factors. It is worth notingthat in recent years many students have shown interest in choosing their studydestination in the Middle East. But what are the reasons?

Importantfactors when deciding on a study destination

Many differentaspects should be considered in order not to waste your time and money. Thereis a variety of factors, but the three core ones are subject, country, and thelanguage of instruction.

Since thesubject of study should be chosen according to your talent, interest, aptitude,personal preferences, and potential, subjects' decision is ahead of thecountry. Sometimes cultural and social points should be considered too.Although the subject's popularity is different in different areas, most of thestudents are attracted to Business & Management, Engineering, and SocialSciences.

Where to studycomes to mind next. The country should be chosen according to the fact that howmuch the mentioned subjects are available and how they are presented. In thepast, the majority of the students chose Anglophone countries such as theUnited Kingdom, United States, Canada, and Australia; however, nowadays, due tothe burgeoning advancement of technology, the students do not need to limitthemselves to some countries; study destination in the Middle East has been sopopular. The reasons for such popularity can be a lot of care they give to theinternational quality of education and their welcoming attitude toward theinternational students.

By the languageof instruction is meant the language the courses are offered. It should be aninternational language, or if they are presented in another language, thereshould be some sophisticated courses and opportunities for the students to beable to have a good command of it. Also, the university website should befriendly due to the fact that almost all students look for the information onthe website via their mobile phones or their PC. So, the sources should beuser-friendly. Information like course information, entry requirements, how toapply, scholarship, career outcomes, contact detail, institution, and subjectrankings are available on the Amisrkabir website.

Whychoosing the Middle East?

In recentyears, there have been a lot of students who have enrolled in Middle Eastuniversities from all over the world. Among the many countries and universitiesin the region, Iran has had the most number of applicants due to its safety andmore decent and qualified universities. It has welcomed many students, particularlyfrom neighboring counties like Pakistan. Based on the pool of comments, it is agreat chance to study in Iran for Pakistani students. They believe there is awealth of benefits offered in Iran, universities, and career outcomes are thegreatest among that many. Amirkabir university can be cited as a good example.What has caused it to be the top destination in the Middle East? The answercovers the factors below.

Low or notuition fee

Since the needfor highly qualified professionals has become a necessity for all thecountries, it affects the cost of education, which is increasing. So,if you can find a country with decent universities whose tuition fee is low orit is possible to get a scholarship, this will be a great chance.

It has beenproved by foreign students in Iran that Amirkabir university is one of thestudy destinations in the Middle East due to the affordable approaches itoffers to international students. If you are lucky enough to win thescholarship, you won't need to pay anything, although you can get all thedetails just by clicking on Otherwise, the affordability of the tuition fee is one ofthe reasons for the university's popularity. 

In case youshould choose the non-scholarship approach, the approximate tuition variesdepending on the subject and the degree level. The tuition cost for abachelor's degree is approximately 9000 US dollars per year, while a year ofstudies at the Master's level is about 7000 US dollars. In that case, you canbenefit from getting a load from some officially issued banks.

The rank ofuniversity

The rank of theuniversity you choose should be top, which is directly related to thequalification and facilities it offers. The higher the rank is, the more decentuniversity you can attend in. The good publicity of universities in the MiddleEast, especially the ones in Iran, has grown rapidly in recent years and insome aspects can compete with the already developed ones. The countless degreecourses, up-to-date teaching methods, professional staff members, and manyother factors bring a high rank for a university. Let's take a look atAmirkabir university which has been a study destination in the Middle East inrecent years.

It is thesecond-best university in Iran and holds 477 ranks by QS of the top 1000universities of the world. There are more than 500 knowledgeable, determined,and polite staff members who are available around the clock. It offersdifferent degree levels, including Bachelor's, Master's, and Doctoral degrees.Both genders, males and females, are admitted. A wide variety of courses isavailable in more than fifteen departments, like Aerospace Engineering,Biomedical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, ComputerEngineering, and Information Technology, Electrical Engineering, IndustrialEngineering, Marine Technology, Mathematics, and Computer Science, MechanicalEngineering, Mining and Metallurgy Engineering, Physics and Nuclear Science, PolymerEngineering, Textile Engineering, and Petroleum Engineering.

Many otherfacilities like libraries, sports facilities, online courses, distant learningopportunities, and also administrative services are noteworthy.

Affordablecost of living

Studying inanother country is a great challenge that can be changed to a remarkable rewardif the students are not worried about the living costs. If it is possible tostudy in a country with the best educational opportunity and the lowest livingcost, why not save money?

Finance and thecosts are like a burden on the students' shoulders. Why not ease that burden bychoosing one of the countries in the Middle East that is the same or, in somecases, more convenient than the other counties in other areas. Take Iran as anexample.

The greatestconcern for every foreign student is rent. It is a great surprise that theaverage rent for a one-bedroom apartment in a big city is just about $500,while this number is much higher in other countries. It is also possible to decreaseit to about $300 if you choose a small city for living rather than a megacity.A clarify the case; if you rent a shared flat at $350 in which the utilitiesare shared at $13 in addition to $21 for an Internet subscription and $13 forlocal transportation, you need to pay $397 monthly.

With a littlefinancial management and some tweaks like eating at home, using free healthcarecenters, and using public transportation, you can cut down the costs.

Workopportunities for international students

Having a chanceto work while you are studying in another country has double benefits;financial help to pay the expenses and to gain job experience in the field youare studying. It is a chance that is offered by all countries; however, theMiddle East countries, especially Iran, give you such an opportunity.

It is estimatedthat more than %50 of the international students work part-time while they arestudying. Since there is a wide range of jobs, it is not necessary to have aspecial qualification. It is even possible to find a job like a teacherassistant at the university you study. Visit and contact theauthorities in this field to get as many details as you need and see how muchAmirkabir University supports you. Having graduated, you are not onlyhigh-educated but also practically experienced in the subject youstudied. 

Experiencingdifferent local cultures

Educating inanother country brings you full familiarity with the culture of that area. Thecountries of the Middle East, in comparison with the European and Americancountries, have richer cultures and backgrounds. And among them, Iran is knownfor having the most ancient culture that is the cause of attracting so manytourists every year.

When it comesto education, Iran offers both decent academic chances and great sources ofart, culture, archeology, and literature. The residents and local people arefamous for their hospitality; they are welcoming, and very friendly thatimpress all the foreigners.

The nice,peaceful, secure, and impressive scenery is another bonus in Iran that helpsthe people to vent their feelings after a long day of working or studying.Also, you are recommended not to miss the local foods. There is a wide varietyof cuisines whose tastes are world-famous.

Theessential things you should know about studying in the Middle East

Althoughstudying abroad is totally a new and impressive experience, we should forgetculture shock. Each region has its own rewards and challenges; however, knowingthe details in advance can prevent us from running into trouble and let usenjoy and benefit more. Where you come from has a great role in the likelihoodof being shocked by the culture and lifestyle.

However, if youare willing to choose Iran as a study destination in the Middle East, it isbetter to do some research and be informed about the customs, cultural norms,the laws, and regulations of different places, and also the strength of theeconomy. Overall, the vital points are as follows:

- Respect

The residentsof the Middle East countries, especially Iran, pay a lot of attention toetiquettes and customs, and they tend to be conservative. So, the things thatcan be norms in other countries can be considered offensive, like the thumbs-upgesture.

- Appropriate dressing

Although youcan wear whatever you like, it is necessary for both men and women to wearsomething that covers the whole body, like loose-fitting clothes that coverupper arms and knees. Also, it is necessary for women to wear a headscarf.

- Weather variety

The Middle Eastis famous for its hot weather but not in all countries. As Iran is afour-season country, temperature varies during four seasons. So, depending onthe area you choose, the weather can be hot or cold.

- Different languages and dialects

The officiallanguage in the countries of the Middle East is different; however, there is noneed to worry, for most of the people have a good command of English. Aninteresting point about Iran is the wide variety of dialects. Different citieshave their own special accent and dialect, which is very attractive forforeigners.

To puteverything in a nutshell, Iran, as the top study destination in the MiddleEast, gives you some fantastic opportunities. Studying in this country canstrengthen your CV, make you familiar with different accents and languages anda diverse range of people. Also, you can discover new foods and make newfriends, which improves your personality and makes you more independent andself-reliant. Furthermore, through the comparison you make between your ownculture and the new culture, many new aspects can arise. You can achieve manymore other things. So, by studying in Iran, you can open a new window to yourlife.