Building ourfuture requires many factors, one of which is universally qualified education.That's why most of the people prefer to leave their home country in order toachieve better and more qualified education in another country. That way, theycan be sure about their future job and social status. But the first thing thatcomes to mind is the expenses, and the best solution is winning scholarships toease the task.

Iran is thedestination of many students all around the world, especially the neighboringcountries, like Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and the like. There is noneed for foreign students in Iran to worry about the cost of education.Both the state-run universities and the private ones offer arange of full or part-fee scholarships to international students atundergraduate and postgraduate levels. Every year a growing number of foreignstudents are attracted to study in Iran universities due to the eye-catching servicesoffered, so the students have no fears about finance, and the authorities arepleased to offer a number of prestigious international scholarships. So, takeAmirkabir university as a lucid example of great financial support. Let's getfamiliar with the university, the courses they offer, and every other detailthat is in your mind.


This universityis known as the University of Technology (AUT) and is considered a publicresearch university. It is nicknamed Tehran Polytechnic University. It wasestablished in 1928 as a standard academy in Tehran. It stands as thesecond-best university in Iran and holds the 477 ranks by QS of the top 1000universities of the world. That's why many talented students are drawn to studyat this university from all around the world. The number of candidates isincreasing every year, and up until now, it has ranged from 9000 to 9999students who have registered, and some of whom have won the scholarship due tothe required qualification. All the staff members who are willing and alwaysavailable to answer any question and give any support regarding the courses,levels, and finance are about 500 people.

The coursesoffered at Amirkabir University of Technology

This decentuniversity was founded in 1928 as a standard academy. For the first five years,the departments were limited to just five engineering sections. This number hasbeen on the rise, and now there are about fifteen science and engineeringdepartments. The courses offered in Amirkabir university are as follows: AerospaceEngineering, Biomedical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering,Computer Engineering, and Information Technology, Electrical Engineering,Industrial Engineering, Marine Technology, Mathematics, and Computer Science,Mechanical Engineering, Mining, and Metallurgy Engineering, Physics, andNuclear Science, Polymer Engineering, Textile Engineering, and PetroleumEngineering. Moreover, many facilities, both academic, and non-academic havebeen added, like different libraries, sports facilities, online courses,distant learning opportunities, and also administrative services.

The levelsavailable at Amirkabir University of Technology

Someuniversities' admission is just limited to a special level, undergraduate orpostgraduate. But, AUT has gained its reputation due to the different degreelevels it offers, including Bachelor, Master, and Doctoral degrees. It iscoeducational, which means both genders, males, and females, are admitted. Theservices offered to foreign students are so tempting that everybody wishes tohave such a chance, especially scholarships. Winning Scholarships in Iran forforeign students is a dreamy chance, especially for those who hope to study atAmirkabir University. By the way, to get all the necessary details regardingspecific admission selection policy and also acceptance rate, you can get intouch with the Admission Office of the Amirkabir University of Technology. Theyinform you about how the areas of study, degree level, and student nationalityaffect the process of getting a scholarship.

Scholarshipsin Iran and the requirements

The students inIran, and all the international students at various levels, undergraduate,graduate, postgraduate, doctoral, and postdoctoral, can apply for differentavailable positions and grants to continue their studies. Studying in Iran forPakistani students and all the other nationalities is a dream that can befulfilled very easily. They can study on fully funded or partially funded scholarshipsthat government and university authorities offer every year.

To win thescholarship, you are required to have academic qualifications. The required GPAfor BA, and MA in Technology, Engineering, and Basic Sciences are 14 out of 20.This number increases to 16 for Ph.D. Also, the applicant's age is anotherfactor. When the application is being made, your age should be 22 years for BA,26 for MA, and 31 for Ph.D. Considering the points mentioned, you can benefitfrom the scholarship that covers Persian courses, dormitories, insurancedepending on the required conditions. However, you should be reminded that youcannot use two scholarships from two different sources.

Requirementsto apply for a scholarship

The first andforemost thing that should be done is to fill in the application form that canbe downloaded from the relevant site. It is followed by preparing somedocuments by the deadline like certificates of your completed documents,transcripts of the courses, and grades you completed in each semester, anydocumentations like dissertations, essay summaries, and letters ofrecommendation, and a copy of the page in your passport that shows personaldata, and photographs. All the documents must be officially issued andcredited. Moreover, you need to have a good command of the Persian language;otherwise, it is a must for you to participate in some Persian language classesfor about three months.

You must getall the documents translated officially and then upload them in both languages,Persian and English. The translated documents must be stamped by theauthorities like the Ministry of the Justice Administration and JusticeAdministration. Before uploading the documents, you should care about someimportant points. The transcripts must be verified by the university. When youwant to upload the documents, you should notice that the original documentsmust be scanned, not the copies; both the front and back sides must be scanned.All your documents' authenticity is checked by the university, and governmentauthorities, so are sure that some essential information like your name andbirthdate must be the same as all the documents like ID, transcripts, anddegree certificate.

How toapply

Gettingscholarships in Iran is as easy as a breeze. You need just to click on know the steps thatshould be taken. But, to make a long story short, you must go through threemain steps that start with "Choosing a program" and followed byclicking on the "Apply Now" button. The third step is "Send yourrequest," which is followed by "Go to study."

During thewhole step, if you run into any problems or any part is ambiguous, you cancontact the university representative and get information and advice on what todo. To be totally sure about the needed documents, you can ask for a list ofnecessary documents. The staff is there to pave the way for you and make theprocess go more smoothly. Considering education, Iran offers the best andeasiest way to get scholarships.

Cost ofeducation

Depending onthe university you are admitted to, the education cost varies. Since there aredifferent options like benefiting from a scholarship and grants or having achance to work while you are studying, your budget wouldn't be tight. So, thecosts are affordable.

However, thetuition may vary regarding the degree level, areas of study, nationality, andsome other criteria. You are recommended to be informed in detail if thetuition covers room, board, or some external costs. To do so, you need tocontact the Amirkabir University of Technology's office.

But in general,the most important factor that affects the tuition amount is the degree. So,the tuition cost for a bachelor's degree is approximately 9000 US dollars peryear, while a year of studies at the Master's level is about 7000 US dollars.If your qualification covers the requirements of scholarships in Iran, you canhave free education. Otherwise, it is possible for you to get a loan from somebanks.

Why studyin Iran

One of the pushfactors that draw students from all around the world to study in Iran is thewide range of courses offered, like chemistry, medicine, engineering, andphysics. Iranian universities are well-known for the decent services they offer.Those who are admitted to state-run universities, like Amirkabir university, donot typically pay for tuition or boarding; however, if you earn admission toself-funded universities like Azad university, you need to pay the tuitionunless you win a scholarship. There are some other invaluable reasons thatattract foreign students, the ones regarding their education and some othersrelated to the country. By elaborating on them, you can get why to study in Iran.


Nobody canresist up-to-the-moment services that some Iranian universities offer, likeeasy admission and registration, academic support services, well-equippedlibraries and research centers, testing, counseling, and advising, and the mostimportant one, scholarships in Iran. Also, the staff members are so helpful andprofessional that you can get any kind of information you need. They can helpyou and give you advice on selecting a desirable major regarding yourpersonality, academic level, and budget.

Visiting and getting help fromthe staff members, you can get scholarships or even a tuition waiver to payyour living expenses, thesis fees, and your plane ticket while you arestudying.

So, being aprodigy is fundamental to be admitted by the decent universities in Iran,Amirkabir as an example, but if you are not qualified regarding your documents,and university requirements, and regulations, it is going to be a competitivechallenge for you to be selected among many candidates. Contact the experts onthe site, and make your dream come true.

Other pushfactors

Iran is famousfor its ancient culture that is attracting many tourists. Every year manypeople from all over the globe visit this country due to its architecture,science, literature, culture, and people. The residents and local people arefamous for their hospitality; they are welcoming and very friendly, whichimpress all the foreigners.

Most of thetourists are the ones who are interested in archeology, art, or culture, orthey are scientists in the mentioned fields. The reason for their visit is todo research or visit some exhibitions or performances held every year in majorcities. Persian Literature is world-famous, and the masterpieces of the artistsand poets have been taught in international universities.

The peacefulnatural scenery and attractive nature amaze all the people both in rural andurban areas. So, studying in Iran is not tiring at all; just by taking a shortwalk in nature, your feeling can be ventilated. Don't miss the local food. Eachcity and village has its own many local foods that you can enjoy and will bememorable for you. Last but not least bonus is affordable living cost.

Living costin Iran

You can earnyour life very easily vis-à-vis other countries. To put it in a nutshell, theaverage rent for a one-bedroom apartment in a big city is about $500. It can beless if you live outside the megacities. Depending on where you choose, thecost varies. But, basic monthly living cost includes renting a shared flat at$350 with $13 for shared utilities, and $21 for Internet subscription inaddition to $13 for local transportation. So, each month, you need to pay about$397.

If you want tosave your money, it is recommended to rarely eat out and mostly cook at home.The cost of groceries is low, so by cooking at home, you can eat healthily andsave your money. That way you can keep your health too. In case you may besick, don't worry about the health costs. There are a lot of free healthcarecenters in which your insurance can be used.

So, studying insuch a convenient place is everybody's dream, so don't hesitate, and be one ofthe few winners.