If you are fromPakistan and interested in studying in Iran, Amirkabir University of Technologyis a great place to fulfill your ambitions. It considers all the applicants wereceive, and we do everything to make sure you can get the most of your timestudying in Iran and have the best chance of living here. Since the universityis a decent one offering top-notch facilities, every year a growing number ofstudents from all over the world, particularly from the countries around likePakistan, are applying and studying postgraduate programs at this university.It is one of the top study abroad destinations. It has a long history ofwelcoming foreign students.
The AmirkabirUniversity of Technology is one of the top universities in the region. Thereare many factors that make one university a better study destination than theothers. The cost of university, the expenses of living, the local and officiallanguage, ranking of the university, visa access, and how much it is possibleto get a job in that country are some considerations for foreign students whenselecting one university and country to continue their education. To top it allup, the degrees should be accredited; otherwise, your degree wouldn’t berecognized after returning home. It is worth noting that all the mentionedpoints are maintained when speaking about Iran, and the Amirkabir University ofTechnology, which is why it has been nominated as one of the bestuniversities in Iran. specifications of the university can be proved.Let’s elaborate on the facts about Iran and Amirkabir university to bring youcertainty.
Iran, as one ofthe most popular study destinations for international students, is located inWestern Asia and bordered by Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Turkmenistan to thenorth, and the Persian Gulf to the South. Its position in the region is greatbecause of the large reserves of petroleum and natural gas. It is the 18thlargest country, and the population is over 81 million.
If you make upyour mind to study in Iran, you can take all the benefits of strong academiccredentials, high quality of life, job opportunities, and programs taught bothin Persian and English. It gives the students an opportunity to live in asociety with ancient culture and civilization, which can make some apply forpermanent residency. Students have a high chance of employment; that is one ofthe many reasons that the tendency to study in Iran for Pakistani students isincreasing.
In Iran,universities are the land of innovative research opportunities, especiallyAmirkabir University of Technology that is nominated as a public researchuniversity. Generally speaking, when it comes to education, Iran is one of thecountries that comes to mind first. Such good publicity is true for Amirkabirtoo.
Amirkabir University of Technology or AUT
This researchcenter which is an ideal university for many has attracted a flux of studentsfrom all around the world. The aim is to take the benefits of any kind oftechnology to answer students’ expectations. It was established in 1928 as astandard academy and developed in 1956 by Habib Nafisi and Dr. Mohammad AliMojtahedi. It is the second famous and top university after Tehran Universityand holds the 477 ranks by Q.S. of the top 1000 universities of the world.
The number ofdepartments and faculties in which a wealth of different courses are offered ison the rise. The main departments are Aerospace Engineering, BiomedicalEngineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Computer Engineering, andInformation Technology, Electrical Engineering, Industrial Engineering, MarineTechnology, Mathematics, and Computer Science, Mechanical Engineering, Mining,and Metallurgy Engineering, Physics, and Nuclear Science, Polymer Engineering,Textile Engineering, and Petroleum Engineering.
The facilitieslike libraries, sports facilities, online courses, distant learningopportunities, and also administrative services are available to both nationaland international students, like Pakistani students. While studying there, youare offered different benefits like developing your strengths, focusing on youracademic goals without being worried about the expenses, being led by mentors,and being offered some opportunities to work and earn money. Moreover, theuniversity offers online courses and virtual learning in case it is needed foryou to travel on holiday or mission. So, you don’t need to be confined to one location.Now the question that is in everybody’s mind is how to apply and get ascholarship.
How to apply
Applying to theAmirkabir University of Technology can be an easy task if you pay enoughattention to the requirements and the steps that should be taken. The firststep is to register on the Organization of Student Affairs website, http://saorg.ir:8081/. Having done that, thefollowing steps should be taken.
- You should fill out the registration form and uploadyour passport and I.D. photo. But, you should notice that images shouldn’t bemore than 50kb.
- The needed images are your passport, CV, graduationcertificate, or current student I.D. card in addition to a recommendationletter. These images had better not be more than 100kb; otherwise, you mustupload again.
- In the process of applying, the site gives you a digitnumber after saving your data. Then you should email that number to theuniversity or institute to which you are applying at M_kariaut.ac.ir orinteract.ac.ir email address.
- Notice: your personal photo should be sent via thePersonal Photo link.
To be admitted,your academic record, extracurricular interests, intellectual achievements, andpersonal background need to be assessed. Moreover, some documents should besubmitted to complete the process of applying.
- Transcripts of the last three years of high school;
- High school diploma;
- Transcript of BSc degree;
- Transcript of MSc degree (if applicable);
- Completed application form;
- A proposal of the thesis for Ph.D. applicants (500-600Words);
- Two recommendation letters for MSc and Ph.D.applicants;
- The abstract of the MSc thesis (in two pages) forPh.D. applicants;
- A copy of the passport;
- Scholarship letter (if available);
- A clear scan of the applicant’s photo.
However, thereis a great chance that Amirkabir University offers; scholarship. It is anopportunity for foreign students to save money. But, how is it possible toseize it?
How to apply for a scholarship for Pakistani Students
The process includessome necessities that should be taken. Two of the most important ones are GPAand age limitation. For B.A., and M.A. in Technology, Engineering, and BasicSciences, GPA is 14 out of 20, while for Ph.D. You are eligible to get thescholarship if the time the application is being made; your age should be 22years for B.A., 26 for M.A., and 31 for Ph.D. If you are qualified and have allthe required documents, you can be benefited from what the scholarship offersyou. That way, you don’t need to pay for the cost of Persian courses,dormitories, and insurance, depending on the required conditions.
Therequired documents
There is a listof documents that you can get information about what they are just by clickingon www.aut.ac.ir. To have a quick list, takea glance at the following points.
- An application form;
- The certificates and relevant completed documents thatshould be officially issued;
- The transcripts of the courses and grades youcompleted in each semester; all need to be officially credited.
- Any documentations like dissertations, essaysummaries, and letters of recommendation;
- A copy of the page in your passport that showspersonal data and photograph to the prepared documents;
- Translation of all the documents that should bestamped by the authorities like Ministry of the Justice Administration andJustice Administration;
- University-verified transcripts.
The informationpresented in the documents should be the same, for the government and universityauthorities check them for authenticity. If, in any case, you cannot or don’twant to get the scholarship, it is not a bad idea to know a little about thecost of education in Iran and the tuition fees of Amirkabir university.
Cost ofeducation
There are twomain programs by which you, as Pakistani Students, can continue your education.The tuition fee is different depending on whether you choose a publicuniversity or a self-funded one like Azad university. However, living inanother country has its own expenses that should be paid, education or livingcost. The amount of tuition fee depends closely on whetheryou come from a Persian-speaking country or a non-Persian country. If you liketo major in Humanities, Social, and Behavioral Sciences while you are from anon-Persian country, you should pay 1250 dollars each semester. Otherwise,studying Arts, Engineering, Basic Sciences, Agriculture, and VeterinaryMedicine, the tuition goes up to 2300 dollars. These amounts for a person comingfrom a Persian-speaking country are a little less.
When it comesto comprehensive exams, proposals, and dissertation, the tuition should becalculated. If you are waiting for the Comprehensive Exam when your degree isPh.D., you should pay the fixed tuition that is 50% of the full tuition, inaddition to full tuition fees for a semester. It is the same for you if you arewaiting for the approval of the proposal, except that you need to pay just 50%of fixed tuition fees. The tuition for dissertation equals to full tuition feesfor 4 semesters after approval of the proposal plus 50% of Fixed tuition feesfor subsequent semesters. For M.A. or M.Sc., the tuition for the thesis is fulltuition fees for 2 semesters after approval of the proposal in addition to 50%of fixed tuition fees for subsequent semesters. It should be notified thattuition fees should be paid fully. Knowing all about scholarships and thetuition in case you cannot get a scholarship, Pakistani students are requiredto know about student visas.
Student visa
To get a visa,especially a student visa, Iran supports you in all aspects of your documentshave been proven valid and issued. So, the things you should do are:
- Two application forms should be filled out;
- Be sure to renew your passport; it should be valid forat least six months;
- You should have two recent photographs;
- Prepare a form of acceptance from an accrediteduniversity or educational center;
- Pay the visa fee.
By preparingall the needed documents, you can prove your eligibility and qualification.Therefore, you can join the society of intelligent students from all over theworld. There are a lot of students who are tempted to live in Iran permanently,so it is a good idea to know about living expenses.
Life expenses in Iran
The cost ofliving in Iran in comparison with the other countries in the region, is moreaffordable, especially when you have a chance to win the scholarship or thepermission to work part-time. The necessary items that should be paid for arerent, Internet subscription, health, transportation, and food. By sharing anapartment, and the utilities, you can cut down expenses. Also, you can usepublic transportation instead of taxis; it is not only faster and save you timebut also cheaper. Eating out is pricy, so it is better to cook at home, whichcosts you less, and keeps you healthy. If you get sick, use low-cost or freemedical centers. Considering all the mentioned points, the cost of living for aforeign student is about 500 dollars if you want to live in a megacity. Itdecreases if you live in small towns.
All in all,studying abroad, especially for Pakistani students, is a new chance to learn anew language, get familiar with a new culture, gaining job experience, and, totop it all off, achiever a greater understanding of the world. So, Amirkabiruniversity paves the way for you to see the world through another new window.